除冰系统 机翼上结冰对于飞行中的飞机来说是相当危险的。如何除冰是航空界极为关心的问题。美国航宇局艾姆斯研究中心最新研制的电子排冰剥离系统(EESS)较为成功的解决了这一问题。该系统所放出的强大直流脉冲可在1毫秒时间内将机翼上的冰击碎并剥落。其耗电量只是传统电热除冰法的千分之一,重量仅为传统除冰器的十分之一,而且使用更方便,易于维护。它不仅可以用在飞机上,而且还可以用于船只、桥梁上的除冰。 信号隔离嚣 干扰信号的隔离是计算机正常工作的重要条件。美国一家供
Ice deicing on the wing of the deicing system is quite dangerous to the aircraft in flight. How to de-icing is a matter of great concern to the aviation community. The latest development of the Electronic Ice Exfoliation System (EESS) by NASA’s Ames Research Center has more successfully solved this problem. The powerful DC pulses from the system crushed and peeled ice from the wing in 1 millisecond. Its power consumption is only one thousandth of the traditional electric deicing method, the weight is only one-tenth of the traditional de-ice, and the use of more convenient and easy to maintain. It can be used not only on airplanes, but also on ships, deicing on bridges. Isolation of signal isolation noise Interference signal is an important condition for the normal operation of the computer. The United States for one