北京的秋已经很深了,球迷的心也已很痛很痛了。然而痛定思痛,我们还是难以割舍对中国足球的那份真挚的感情,于是我们仍在“顽强”地去寻找败因,总结经验教训,为中国足球的再发展而竭诚地探索着。11月的一天夜晚,记者来到了正在备战亚洲杯赛的中国女足的驻地,请来了六位身经百战的老队员,试图从另外一个角度去分析一下中国男队的败因。作为同行,女足的姑娘首先肯定了男队的队员们是尽了力了,因为每一个运动员都不会拿世界杯开玩笑的。自然,女足的姑娘们也诚恳地指出了男足的一些缺陷。孙雯、温莉蓉、王丽平、赵利红、孙庆梅和高红,我想球迷对她们是不会感到陌生的。她们对中国男足的客观评价和分析,大家可能会有兴趣的。 记者向女足的姑娘们提出了两个问题,一是男足心理素质不高形成的原因和改善的办法,二是男足在十强赛中技战术打法的缺陷之处,作为奥运会银牌的获得者,我想,女足的姑娘们是有这个发言权的。
Beijing’s autumn has been very deep, the heart of the fans have been very painful and painful. Nevertheless, we still find it hard to break away from our sincere feelings toward Chinese football. Therefore, we are still “stubbornly” looking for defeats, summing up our experience and lessons, and exploring the development of Chinese football with all sincerity. One night in November, the reporter arrived at the station where the Chinese women’s football team is preparing for the Asian Cup. He invited six experienced veterans to try to analyze the defeat of the Chinese men’s team from another perspective. As a fellow girl, the girl first affirms that the men’s team players are doing their best because every athlete will not be joking at the World Cup. Naturally, women’s girls also sincerely pointed out some of the shortcomings of the men’s football. Sun Wen, Wen Lirong, Wang Liping, Zhao Lihong, Sun Qingmei and Gao Hong, I think the fans will not feel strange to them. Their objective evaluation and analysis of Chinese men’s football, we may be interested. Reporter to the women’s girls put forward two questions, one is the formation of men’s psychological quality is not high reasons and ways to improve the second is the male foot in the top ten games, tactics and tactics of the flaws, as the Olympic silver medal Winners, I think, women’s football girls have this voice.