目的了解狂犬病暴露人群流行特征及处置情况,为今后防控措施提供依据。方法采用Excel 2003对资料进行统计处理,应用描述性流行病学方法进行分析。结果 1 782例暴露人群中,暴露时间以8月最高,占10.33%,夏秋季高于冬春季(χ~2=15.89,P<0.01)。男性高于女性(χ~2=13.63,P<0.01),男女之比为1.31∶1。年龄以0~9岁最多,占37.15%;职业以农民最高,占38.22%,其次为学生和散居儿童。伤者24h内就诊占85.52%。伤人动物最多是狗,占66.61%,其次是猫和鼠。暴露部位以上下肢为主,占88.05%;Ⅲ级暴露占67.51%。门诊伤口处理率为61.30%。狂犬病人免疫球蛋白使用率为49.54%;狂犬病疫苗接种率为99.49%,全程接种率为93.73%。结论应加强狂犬病危害的警示性宣传教育,把狂犬病暴露人群的诊疗费用纳入新农合或基本医保,提高狂犬病暴露预防处置规范化。
Objective To understand the prevalence and treatment of rabies exposed persons and provide evidence for prevention and control measures in the future. Methods The data were processed by Excel 2003 and analyzed by descriptive epidemiological method. Results In 1 782 exposed groups, the exposure time was the highest in August, accounting for 10.33%. The summer and autumn were higher than those in winter and spring (χ ~ 2 = 15.89, P <0.01). Men were higher than women (χ ~ 2 = 13.63, P <0.01). The ratio of men to women was 1.31:1. The oldest was 0 to 9 years old, accounting for 37.15% of the total population. The highest level of occupation was peasants, accounting for 38.22%, followed by students and diasporas. The injured accounted for 85.52% within 24 hours. Wounding animals up to dogs, accounting for 66.61%, followed by cats and mice. Exposed to more than the upper limbs, accounting for 88.05%; Ⅲ grade exposure accounted for 67.51%. Outpatient wound treatment rate was 61.30%. Rabies immunoglobulin usage was 49.54%; rabies vaccination rate was 99.49%, the entire vaccination rate was 93.73%. Conclusion The alert publicity and education on the risk of rabies should be strengthened to include the diagnosis and treatment costs of rabies exposed population into the new rural cooperative medical care or basic medical insurance and to improve the standardization of prevention and treatment of rabies exposure.