7月,通用宣布任命巴里·恩格尔(Barry Engle)为其南美区总裁,60岁的吉米·阿迪拉(Jaime Ardila)正式退休。恩格尔1992年进入福特,担任过多个高级管理职位,包括福特加拿大总裁兼CEO、福特巴西及南方共同市场总裁。2008年~2010年他曾任美国新荷兰农业设备公司总裁兼CEO,2010年被挪威电动车制造商Think任命为CEO,2011
In July, GM announced the official retirement of Barry Engle, 60, of Jaime Ardila, president of South America. ENGEL entered Ford in 1992 with several senior management positions including President and CEO of Ford Canada, President of Ford Brazil and MERCOSUR. From 2008 to 2010, he was President and CEO of New Holland Agricultural Equipment Company of the United States. In 2010, he was named CEO of Norwegian electric car manufacturer Think, 2011.