一、株芽繁殖法。无茎或低茎的药用芦荟(如美国蕃拉芦荟、中国蕃拉等品种)在种植周围的地下茎上会长出许多嫩芽 ,一株2年生的芦荟一年内能分蘖出10~15个小苗 ,当小苗具有4~5片小叶和3~5条小根时从母株上切离 ,定植于大田。芦荟产生分芽主要在春、夏、秋三季 ,最?
First, plant bud breeding method. Aloe vera with no stem or low stem (such as the American salad aloe and the Chinese panla) grows many shoots on the underground stems around the plant. A 2-year-old aloe can produce 10 to 15 Seedlings, when the seedlings have 4 to 5 leaflets and 3 to 5 small roots cut from the mother plant, colonized in the field. Aloe vera is mainly produced in spring, summer and autumn quarters, the most?