各位代表、同志们: 值此年会开幕之际,我首先向国家发展计划委员会,并建设部、民政部、中国企业联合会和兄弟协会、关联协会的领导和朋友们,百忙中莅临本次年会予以指导表示感谢,向参加年会的各位代表和同志们,致以亲切的问候!向所有获得2000年度各类荣誉的单位和个人表示热烈祝贺!并借此机会,向一贯给予本会发展以关心和支持的各级各界领导和国内外所有朋友们,致以深深的谢意!我因病不能到会,与同志们共议发展,深
Dear delegates and comrades: At the opening of this annual meeting, I first went to the National Development Planning Commission and the leaders and friends of the Ministry of Construction, the Ministry of Civil Affairs, the China Enterprise Confederation, the Brotherhood Association, and the Association. The annual meeting thanked for the guidance and extended cordial greetings to all delegates and comrades attending the annual meeting! Express warm congratulations to all units and individuals who have won various honors for the year 2000! We also take this opportunity to express our deep gratitude to the leaders at all levels and friends from all walks of life at all levels who have always given the development and care and support to this Council. I could not attend the meeting because of illness, and discussed with the comrades about the development.