在唐·《新修本草》中,椿皮就分椿木与樗木。宋·《重修政和经史证类备用本草》椿叶项下分别收载樗木、椿木,并指出:“樗木根叶尤良”。明·《本草纲目》谓“香者为椿,臭者为樗”。辞书上多称樗即臭椿。可见,古代称臭椿皮为樗皮,香椿皮称为椿皮。《中药大辞典》亦将苦术科植臭椿 Ailanthus altis sima(Mill)swingle
In Tang “Newly Revised Materia Medica”, the pelt skin is divided into eucalyptus and eucalyptus. Song “Restoration of the government and the history of the rest of the list of classics” 椿 项 项 项 项 项 项 项 项 收 收 收 收 收 收 收 收 收 收 收 收 收 收 收 收 收 收 收 收 收 收 收 收 收 收 。 。 。 。 。 。 。. Ming, “Compendium of Materia Medica,” said that the “sweet person is the scorpion, the stench is the scorpion.” Most of the dictionaries are called 椿 椿 椿. It can be seen that the ancient name of the skunk skin is molting and the citron skin is called molting. The “Chinese Dictionary” also treats Akuanthus altis sima (Mill) swingle