主持人:村官茶楼又开新题。上期讨论的是“村官难当,难在哪儿”。本期话题是:“村官与村民,如何唱好和谐之歌”。党的十六届四中全会上,提出要构建和谐社会。和谐农村是构建和谐社会的重要组成部分。咱们今天说的主要是村官与村民干群之间的和谐。可能大家在实际工作中, 每天都会遇到种种有关这方面的矛盾,也在不停地处理和解决这些矛盾。这其中,大家都有不少体会和经验。今天我们一起谈谈这个话题吧。
Moderator: Village officials opened a new topic of tea. The last discussion is “village officials difficult, where is difficult.” This issue is: “village officials and villagers, how to sing a good song of harmony.” At the Fourth Plenary Session of the 16th CPC Central Committee, we proposed to build a harmonious society. Harmonious rural areas are an important part of building a harmonious society. What we say today is mainly the harmony between village officials and villagers. Perhaps everybody in the actual work encounters all kinds of contradictions in this regard every day, and they are constantly handling and resolving these contradictions. Among them, we all have a lot of experience and experience. Let’s talk about this topic today.