央视的春节联欢晚会从1983年开始,经历了起起伏伏的23个年头, 已经逐步壮大成熟,品格也已基本成型。尽管年年观众都褒贬不一,甚至有人建议取消,但每年人们还是会不由自主地给予关注。“春晚”已经不仅仅是一个电视节目,更成为了国人心中不能割舍的“新民俗”,代表了一种特殊的文化现象。比较历届春节联欢晚会,除了技术的飞速进步,也发现了其中的一些
CCTV Spring Festival Gala since 1983, has experienced ups and downs for 23 years, has gradually grown mature, the character has been basically formed. Although every year the audience are mixed, and some people even suggested to cancel, but each year or people will involuntarily give attention. “Spring Festival Evening” has become more than just a television program. It has even become a “new folk custom” that people can not give up in their hearts and represents a special kind of cultural phenomenon. Comparison of previous Spring Festival Gala, in addition to the rapid progress of technology, but also found some of them