Compared with the prevention and treatment of schistosomiasis sent from the god of the plague, 40 years have passed since the implementation of the endemic republic in the country. In 373 counties where the epidemic of schistosomiasis was endemic in the whole country, 263 counties have reached the standard of “annihilation” or “elimination basically” with remarkable achievements. However, in recent years, “the god of plague” quietly returned, it is mixed. China’s largest freshwater lake - Poyang Lake District, where the population of eight counties currently have the highest incidence of schistosomiasis in 25 years. Near the lake, a village in Lianhu Township, Bo Yang County, 9600% of the population of more than 8,600 people suffer from this disease, elderly children are unfortunate. Governor of Jiangxi Province Wu Guan is waiting until this investigation, sad tears of tears, said the difficulties and then have to send “the god of plague.”