深圳后海湾海相淤泥的物理力学性质具有含水率高、孔隙比大、压缩性高、强度低和欠固结的特点。通过分析深港西部通道填海及地基处理监测数据发现,在加载过程中的实测沉降速率大于理论沉降速率,在满载预压期间,则相反。按理论计算,在满载120 d后,理论曲线应基本稳定,沉降速率小于1 mm/d。实际上沉降曲线变缓十分缓慢,满载预压240多天后,才趋向稳定。到固结基本完成时,实测的固结时间比计算固结时间长1倍,这主要是海相淤泥的主固结系数随着荷载增加而减小的缘故。对后海湾海相淤泥室内固结试验的结果分析表明,淤泥所受有效荷载每增加100 kPa,固结系数约减少2×10-4cm2/s,经过固结系数修正后的理论计算曲线和实测曲线基本一致,证明其变化规律的正确性。本文成果可为今后类似工程的设计和施工提供借鉴。
The physical and mechanical properties of the marine silt in Houhai Bay, Shenzhen have the characteristics of high moisture content, large void ratio, high compressibility, low strength and underconsolidation. Through analyzing the monitoring data of reclamation and foundation treatment in the western Shenzhen-Hong Kong Railway, it is found that the measured sedimentation rate during the loading process is greater than the theoretical sedimentation rate, and during the full load preloading period, the opposite is true. According to theoretical calculation, after 120 days of full load, the theoretical curve should be basically stable and the sedimentation rate should be less than 1 mm / d. In fact, the settling curve slowed down slowly, fully loaded preloading more than 240 days before it tends to be stable. When the consolidation is basically completed, the measured consolidation time is 1 time longer than the consolidation consolidation time, which is mainly due to the decrease of the main consolidation coefficient of the marine silt as the load increases. The results of laboratory tests on the silt in the Houhai Bay show that for every 100 kPa increase in the effective load of the silt, the consolidation coefficient is reduced by about 2 × 10-4cm2 / s. After the correction of the consolidation coefficient, the theoretical calculation curve and the measured The curves are basically the same, proving the correctness of the change rule. The results of this paper can provide reference for the design and construction of similar projects in the future.