猪八戒扛着钉耙边走边说:“猴哥跟老博士学了不少数学知识,日后他就更看不起我了。不行!我也找老博士学学数学,长点儿能耐!”老博士收八戒为徒后,一起上街买东西。经过一个卖大饼的摊儿,八戒一看到焦黄的香喷喷的大饼,就挪不动步了,馋得口水直流,就对老博士说:“徒儿肚子饿得受不了了,师傅您给徒儿买几块大饼吃吧!”老博士说:“行!不过先要算一道题,对了才给吃。”猪八戒很乐意地答应了。老博士说:“这个大饼摊儿一天做1 00千克大饼,他们已经卖了3/10,把余下的2/5卖给你,你算算你能吃到多少千克的大饼呀?”猪八戒一手揪着大耳朵说:“把2/5的卖给我,那还不好算。先把一天做的1 00千克大饼分成5份,一份20千克,我拿其中的2份,那就是40千克,嘿!还真不少,够我吃个半饱!”说完,便伸手去拿大饼。“别动!”老博士提高嗓门,“你算得不对!”
Pig pig carrying a rake while walking and said: “Monkey brother with the old doctor learned a lot of mathematical knowledge, and in the future he even look down on me .No! I also find the old PhD math, a little longer able to tolerate!” Dr. Lao After receiving eight as a disciple, go shopping together on the street. After a stall selling pancakes, Jupiter saw the crispy, fragrant pie, he moved without regret and drank saliva. He said to the old doctor: “ Master give you to buy a few pieces of pie to eat it! ”The old doctor said:“ line! But first count a problem, the right to eat. ”Pig is very happy to agree. The old doctor said: “This pancake stands do 100 kilograms of cake a day, they have sold 3/10, the remaining 2/5 sold to you, you count how many kilograms of cake you can eat it ? ”“ Pigs hand tugged with big ears, said: ”The 2/5 sold to me, that’s not good .First day to do the 00 kilograms of cake is divided into 5 copies, a 20 kg, I took it 2 copies, that is 40 kg, hey! Really a lot, enough for me to eat a half full! “Finish, then reached out to get cake. ”Do not move! “ Old doctor raised his voice, ”you are not right! "