[Example 1] Symptom: The machine does not work, the display without any display. Analysis and Maintenance: The machine no display, the fault is clearly in the power supply section, first measure the voltage of each pin PA socket found M12V, AT5V, PC9V, PC5V were 7.5V, 0V, 0V, 0V, while the other pin voltage is normal. Because PC5V and PC9V are controlled by IC801, only IC801 is in normal working state, ⑧ foot output control command, PC5V, and PC9V voltage have output. Therefore, we should first check the AT5V power supply branch about the original test IC903 input voltage is 8V, normal, the measured output voltage is 0V, abnormal, power outage test IC903 (7805) output resistance in the road 0Ω, suspected IC903 damage, take Under the measured breakdown, replacement troubleshooting.