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青山断裂总体呈东西走向,规模大,破碎带分带明显,具有多期次、多重力学性质的构造作用。具有由压→张→压扭→张扭性活动活动规律,早期为中浅构造位的韧脆性形变,晚期为浅构造位的脆性形变。 The Qingshan fault has an east-west trend, a large scale, and a clear zonation of the fractured zone. It is characterized by multiple periods and multiple mechanical properties. It is characterized by ductile and brittle deformation in the early stage of medium-shallow tectonic position and brittle deformation in the late stage of shallow tectonic stage.
Dextrocardia is a rare anomaly where the heart is located on the right side of the chest instead of the normal left side.Ablation of atrial fibrillation (AF) wi
对离心铸造SiCp/ZL 104、ZL109复合材料筒状件的颗粒在离心场中的运动特征进行了研究和数值模拟,并将实验结果与模拟结果进行对比.结果表明:在筒状零件的壁厚方向,形成两个区
Primary Intestinal lymphangiectasia (PIL) is a common cause of protein losing enteropathy (PLE).It will affect enter-hepatic circulation of lipid-soluble vitami
Background There are no conclusive studies evaluating the interaction between icariin and exercise for treatment of osteoporosis; the efficacy and safety of thi
Background The use of traditional techniques (such as landmark techniques,paresthesia and peripheral nerve stimulator) for upper-limb anesthesia has often been