恰同学少年,意气风发,指点江山,激扬文学,粪土当年万户候。曾经,世界在你眼中很小、很熟悉,而一旦离开校园,滚滚而来的市场狂潮立刻冲刷掉了拥有过的自信和梦想,世界太精彩、世界也有太多的无奈,当你拿着求职信四处碰壁的时候,当你面临不公正待遇的时候,你会真真感到从空中到地底的失落,市场给你提供了更多展示才华的机会,也给你带来了优胜劣汰,无情竞争的残酷事实。但无论如何,你毕竟还是找到了第一份工作,一个展示你自己的舞台。 这是你走入事业辉煌的一个里程碑,万里长征迈出的第一步,对你来
Just a school boy, high-spirited, pointing Jiangshan, literary, manure ten thousand households. Once, the world is very small in your eyes, very familiar with, and once left the campus, billowing market frenzy immediately washed off the self-confidence and dreams have had, the world is too exciting, the world has too much helplessness, when you hold a job search When you run into a wall of letters, when you face unfair treatment, you will really feel the loss from the air to the ground, the market gives you more opportunities to show their talent, but also to bring you the survival of the fittest, merciless competition Cruel fact. In any case, after all, you still find the first job, a show your own stage. This is a milestone in your career glory, the first step of the Long March, to you