中国现代民间文学学科的建立是“五四”新文化运动引进西方学科forklore的结果。近一个世纪以来 ,不少学者都介入民间文学的研究和学科建设之中 ,不同的学者在不同的时期建立了各具特色的学术研究范式 ,并对民间文学的教学以及民间文学学科的发展产生了深远的影响。毋
The establishment of China’s modern folk literature discipline is the result of the introduction of the western branch of forklore by the May Fourth New Culture Movement. In the past century, many scholars have been involved in the research and construction of folk literature. Different scholars have established their own distinctive academic research paradigms at different periods, and have produced the teaching of folk literature and the development of folk literature Far-reaching impact. not