在高中课本中讲机械波时,多次提到水波,而且讲波的干涉时又以水面波的干涉做演示实验,因此不少学生误认为水波也是横波,甚至有的老师也把水波做为横波给学生举例。 其实水波并非简谐横波。因为在中学物理力学中提到的横波是简谐振动在媒质中传播所形成的波。由于波源做简谐振动,故质点振动时所受的力是与位移
When talking about mechanical waves in high school textbooks, many times mentioned the water waves, and when the interference of waves was interfered with by the interference of surface waves, many students mistakenly believed that the water waves were also shear waves. Some teachers even used the waves as the transverse waves. Give students examples. In fact, water waves are not simply harmonic waves. Because the transverse wave mentioned in the middle school physics and mechanics is the wave formed by the simple harmonic vibration propagation in the medium. Because the wave source performs simple harmonic vibration, the force that the mass point vibrates is the displacement