随着电力体制改革的深化,实施厂网分开,竞价上网,建立电力市场运行规则和政府监管体系后,国家电力监管委员会和国家 工商管理总局联合发布了《购售电合同示范文本》、《并网调度协议示范文本》等规章制度,初步规范了竞争、开放的区域电力市 场。经两年多的实践,发电企业在充分肯定示范文本取得积极的成效外,认为尚存在一些不尽合理和亟待解决的实际问题。现将中 电联火电分会购售电合同调研课题组的报告摘要刊登,作为发电方的一家之言,供有关领导和广大读者参考。
With the deepening of the reform of the power system, the implementation of the separation of the factory network, the bidding, the establishment of the electricity market operation rules and the government supervision system, the State Electricity Regulatory Commission and the State Administration for Industry and Commerce jointly issued the “Model Contract for Sale and Purchase of Electricity,” and “ Network scheduling agreement model text ”and other rules and regulations, preliminary regulation of competition, open regional power market. After more than two years of practice, the power generation enterprises have fully affirmed the positive effect of the model text and think there are still some practical problems that are not reasonable and urgently needed to be solved. The CEC Fire Branch will now publish a summary of the report of the contract survey research group, as one of the power generation parties, for the relevant leaders and readers reference.