八、整体式思路课文的整体阅读教学 ,是一个需要反复研究、反复实践的问题。在第二章《教材处理的艺术》的第一讲中 ,我们首先谈到的 ,就是教材的“整体处理”问题。在本章前面的七讲中 ,简介了板块式、线索式、选点式、反复式、穿插式、迁移式六种教学思路的设计 ,这六种教学
8. The overall reading teaching of the overall idea text is a problem that requires repeated study and repeated practice. In the first lecture of Chapter Two, “The Art of Textbook Processing,” the first thing we talked about was the “integral treatment” of textbooks. In the seven lectures in the preceding chapter of this chapter, we introduced the design of six kinds of teaching ideas: plate type, clue type, point selection type, repeated type, interlude type, and transfer type. These six kinds of teaching