作者对坦桑尼亚Mwanza地区4所住宿学校学生的埃及血吸虫病进行寄生虫学方面的检查研究发现: 1.感染率以17~18岁最高,男为29%,女为30%。感染强度在男性患者中以17~18岁、女性患者以15~16岁的年龄组为最高,分别为9%及11%。 2.四环素治疗组剂量为250mg/次,1天4次共7天。使用磺胺双嘧啶片组剂量为1gm/次,1天3次共7天。二组服药后24小时收集尿液标本检查埃及血吸虫活卵数,死卵数及毛蚴孵化数。并进行统计学分析。
The authors conducted a parasite study of schistosomiasis in four boarding schools in Mwanza, Tanzania. The study found that: 1. The infection rate was highest at 17 to 18 years, with 29% of men and 30% of women. The prevalence of infection was 17 to 18 years in men and 9 to 11% in women aged 15 to 16 years. 2. Tetracycline treatment group dose of 250mg / time, 4 days a total of 7 days. The use of sulfadiazine tablets dose of 1gm / time, 3 times a day for a total of 7 days. Twenty-four hours after taking the two groups of urine samples collected to check the number of live eggs, the number of dead eggs and miracidia hatching. And statistical analysis.