Cities with the coal industry as the leading industry should make a fuss about the following four revitalization strategies. First, the demand-oriented strategy Demand-oriented relative to the resource-oriented terms, resource-oriented advocate of natural resources - industrial structure - closed-end funds, technology - social and market demand mode; demand-oriented emphasis on social market demand - Industrial Structure - Open-ended Capital, Technology - A Model of Natural Resources. Obviously, resource orientation is a traditional, natural economy and closed strategy. Demand orientation is a strategy that is adapted to the production and exchange of commodities, that resources are effectively and reasonably developed, that resources are used at a fast paced and efficient manner. In the planned commodity economy, for the coal cities with relatively rich natural resources, the former ignored the social needs, market mechanisms and technological progress, tied productivity to natural resources and turned resource advantages into a heavy resource burden. Afterwards, The static resources will become resource-driven, promoting the city’s technological, economic and social integrity