SiC是提高功率模块中功率密度的一种理想材料,SiC功率器件具有非常低的开关损耗,热传导率很低。本文介绍了SiC混合模块(传统IGBT和SiC肖特基二极管)和全SiC模块的性能,并与传统硅续流二极管(CAL HD)和快速硅二极管进行比较。
SiC is an ideal material to increase the power density in power modules. SiC power devices have very low switching losses and low thermal conductivity. This article describes the performance of SiC hybrid modules (traditional IGBTs and SiC Schottky diodes) and full SiC modules and compares them with traditional silicon freewheeling diodes (CAL HD) and fast silicon diodes.