在利用束管采样系统长期监测采空区气体变化的基础上,结合瞬时释放SF6示踪气体技术,对凤凰山矿首个采用沿空留巷“Y”型通风的154307工作面采空区漏风状况进行了测试。结果表明,沿空留巷“Y”型通风条件下采空区漏风范围较广,漏风量大。采空区距工作面400 m范围内,O2浓度在20%左右,漏风风速0.027~0.075 m/s,为风速急变区;距离工作面400 m以外,O2浓度在16%左右,漏风风速为0.017~0.024 m/s,为风速变缓区。
Based on the long-term monitoring of the gas changes in the goaf using the beam tube sampling system and the combination of the instantaneous release of SF6 tracer gas technology, the first hollowing out of the 154307 working face with “Y” ventilation in Fenghuangshan Mine was adopted District air leaks were tested. The results show that the gob area has a wide range of air leakage and large air leakage under the “Y” type ventilation condition. The mined-out area is within a range of 400 m from the working face. The O2 concentration is about 20% and the wind leakage rate is 0.027-0.075 m / s, which is the region of rapid wind speed change. The O2 concentration is about 16% from the working face 400 m and the air leakage rate is 0.017 ~ 0.024 m / s, for the slow wind speed zone.