妇女儿童的卫生保健工作是体现一个国家文明程度的标志之一。为不断提高妇幼保健工作质量及母子健康水平,降低孕产妇和围产儿死亡率,几年来,我们本着强化管理,重点突破,优化效益的原则,采取切实有效措施,努力提高孕产妇系统管理普及率和儿童系统管理普及率,收到了较好的效果。一、健全组织,抓好三级网建设 1.落实人员配备为不断适应并推进我县妇幼保健工作的全面发展,1988年以来,县、乡、村三级妇幼保健网络不断加强,县卫生局
The health care work of women and children is one of the hallmarks of a country’s civilization. In order to continuously improve the quality of maternal and child health care and maternal and child health, and reduce the maternal and perinatal mortality rate, we have been working hard to improve the management of maternal and childbirth systems in the past few years thanks to the principle of strengthening management, focusing on breakthroughs, and optimizing efficiency, and adopting effective measures. Rates and the popularity of children’s system management have received good results. First, improve the organization and do a good job of the three-tier network construction 1. The implementation of staffing in order to continuously adapt to and promote the comprehensive development of maternal and child health work in our county. Since 1988, the county, township and village three levels of maternal and child health care networks have been continuously strengthened, the county health bureau