五十多年前Euler和Gaddum在马肠和脑提取物中首次发现了P物质(SP)。经部分纯化的这种物质能明显降低血压,并收缩胃肠道平滑肌。1970年,Chang 等在牛下丘脑提取物中再次发现SP,并将其看作是一种催涎物质(Sialagogic substances),经纯化发现,它是一种11个氨基酸组成的多肽,具有如表1所示的氨基酸序列。SP 的C-端序列及其生物活性与其它统称为“速激肽”(Tachykinins)的肽类相似。除了存在于章鱼唾液腺中的章鱼涎肽(Eledoisin)外,其它肽主要从两栖类的皮中分离而得。在纯化SP 的过程中,发现另一种能产生皮肤血管舒张和发绀的物质,其化学性质
More than 50 years ago, Euler and Gaddum discovered substance P (SP) for the first time in horse-intestine and brain extracts. Partially purified of this substance can significantly lower blood pressure, and contraction of gastrointestinal smooth muscle. In 1970, Chang et al. Found SP again in the bovine hypothalamic extract and regarded it as a Sialagogic substance. After purification, it was found to be an 11 amino acid polypeptide having the amino acid sequence shown in Table 1 shown in the amino acid sequence. The C-terminal sequence of SP and its biological activity are similar to other peptides collectively referred to as “Tachykinins”. In addition to the octopus salivary glands present in the octopus salivary glands (Eledoisin), other peptides are mainly isolated from the amphibian skin. In the process of purifying SP, another substance capable of producing vasodilation and cyanosis of the skin was found, whose chemical properties