Sichuan Prison Administrative Bureau has made outstanding contributions to maintaining the public order and giving a comprehensive treatment to the public security with the support from the leaders of various level and the efforts of all the staff to carry out the “Prison Law” and the “Law of the People’s Police” which have promoted the work since the Judiciary put forward the strategic object to create modern civiilized prisons. Now there are 8 modern civilized prisons of provincial grade. 59 “modern civilized zones ” and 22“ advanced units” of modern civilized prisons. A rank of people’s police has now formed who takes a firm stand and who is strict in enforcing the law. honest in performing official duties.ready to offer help and who can fight a tough battle.
Sichuan Prison Administrative Bureau has made outstanding contributions to maintain the public order and gave a comprehensive treatment to the public security with the support from the leaders of various levels and the efforts of all the staff to carry out the “Prison Law” and the “Law of the People’s Police ” which have promoted the work since the Judiciary put forward the strategic object to create modern civiilized prisons. Now there are 8 modern civilized prisons of provincial grade. 59 “modern civilized zones ” and 22 “advanced units ” of modern civilized prisons. A rank of people’s police has now formed who takes a firm stand and who is strict in enforcing the law. honest in performing official duties.ready to offer help and who can fight a tough battle.