近十年来在我国全民健身运动的热潮中,出现了一种以折扇为器械、以拳术为基础的独特的武术体育运动项目——中国武术扇。乾隆扇、宫廷扇、长拳扇、杨式太极扇、太极功夫扇、四维太极扇、莲花扇等如雨后春笋般地涌现出来。这些武术扇的产生不是一种偶然现象,而是随着社会的发展进步,武术运动深入人心产生的一种必然现象。 中国的扇器历史悠久,据记载,舜时已
In the upsurge of national fitness exercise in recent ten years, there appeared a unique Chinese martial arts fan with folding fan as the instrument and boxing-based martial arts fan. Qianlong fan, court fan, Changquan fan, Yang Tai Chi fan, Tai Chi Kung Fu fan, four-dimensional Tai Chi fan, lotus fan, etc. have sprung up. The emergence of these martial arts fan is not an accidental phenomenon, but as the social development and progress, Wushu movement deeply rooted in a kind of inevitable phenomenon. China’s fan has a long history, according to records, Shun has been