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To evaluate the Plasmodium falciparum CTL epitope vaccines in HLA class I allele specific human cell lines that have high frequency among Chinese population. Methods. Synthesized oligonucleotides encoding for P.f. CTL epitope genes, constructed eukaryotic expression plasmids, transfected the minigenes into HLA class I allele specific human cell lines and identified endogenous expressing of the minigenes by RT- PCR and HLA stabilization assay. Results. Two mini- genes encoding Plasmodium falciparum CTL epitopes were designed and cloned, respectively, into an eukaryotic expressing vector to form TR26 which was restricted to HLA- B51, SH6 which was restricted to HLA- A2.1, and TS, which had the two aforementioned mini- genes fused in tandem. All of these CTL epitope genes were transfected and endogenously expressed in respective cell lines containing appropriate HLA molecules. The obviously increased expressions of HLA class I molecules were detected in the transfected cell lines. It was demonstrated that the two discrete Plasmodium falciparum epitope genes were effectively processed and presented, and the close proximity of the two epitope genes in one chain as in mini- gene TS did not interfere with the processing and presenting of each epitope gene in corresponding cell line. Conclusion. A successful expression and presentation of multiple CTL epitope mini- gene in MHC class I allele specific human cell lines were demonstrated by an in vitro assay, which could be corresponding to the vaccination of CTL vaccines in people with different MHC I molecules. This work also suggested the possibility of constructing a multiple CTL epitope plasmodium falciparum DNA vaccine that could cover most of Chinese population. To evaluate the Plasmodium falciparum CTL epitope vaccines in HLA class I allele specific human cell lines that have high frequency among Chinese population. Methods. Synthesized oligonucleotides encoding for Pf CTL epitope genes, constructed eukaryotic expression plasmids, transfected the minigenes into HLA class I allele specific human cell lines and identified endogenous expressing of the minigenes by RT-PCR and HLA stabilization assay. Results. Two mini-genes encoding Plasmodium falciparum CTL epitopes were designed and cloned, respectively, into an eukaryotic expressing vector to form TR26 which was restricted to HLA - B51, SH6 which was restricted to HLA-A2.1, and TS, which had the two mini-genes fused in tandem. All of these CTL epitope genes were transfected and endogenously expressed in respective cell lines containing the appropriate HLA molecules. obviously increased expressions of HLA class I molecules were detected in the transfected cell li nes. It was demonstrated that the two discrete Plasmodium falciparum epitope genes were effectively processed and presented, and the close proximity of the two epitope genes in one chain as in mini-gene TS did not interfere with the processing and presenting of each epitope gene in A successful expression and presentation of multiple CTL epitope mini-genes in MHC class I allele specific human cell lines were demonstrated by an in vitro assay, which could be corresponding to the vaccination of CTL vaccines in people with different MHC This work also suggests the possibility of constructing a multiple CTL epitope plasmodium falciparum DNA vaccine that could cover the most of Chinese population.
从清朝起,扬州园林就久负盛名,《扬州画舫录》有“杭州以湖山胜,苏州以市肆胜,扬州以园亭胜,三者鼎峙,不分轩轾”之句。著名园林专家陈从周也说:“言园林必谈扬州。”清朝乾隆嘉庆年间,扬州交通发达,盐业发达,盐商们富甲天下,他们穷奢极欲,以建造造园林来彰显富贵,一时间,扬州园林达到鼎盛时期。后因太平军、鸦片战争以及文革的摧残,仅剩无几。本文就这几座仅剩的园林,挑两处具有代表性的园林作简单的鉴赏。  一、
目的 了解北京市稀有血型患者不同情况下输血途径,为相关政策制定提供依据.方法 回顾性分析2000-2011年北京市稀有血型患者血液标本抗体筛查、疑难配血情况,对稀有血型患者血
【中图分类号】G635.5 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-3089(2015)08-0191-02  随着社会的进步和计划生育的普及,我国已经进入了“421”家庭模式。这些家庭的独生子女集万千宠爱于一身,逐渐变成了家里的“小皇帝”和“小公主”,享受着社会和家庭带来的优越条件。但是这种过分的呵护与关爱,却滋长了孩子们的自主意识,他们的一切事务都以自己为中心,不知道感恩和回馈,不懂得分享和付