食品冷藏链—食品加工、包装、运输、储存、销售、定温冷藏链式流转环节—在国内已引起各方重视並提到日程上来。实施食品冷藏链有三个关键性问题:(一) 食品加工工艺,(二) 包装材料,(二) 冷藏设备。前两个问题,由于近年来各地对小包装食品作了一些试产试销,取得了一定经验,问题正在逐步解决。关于冷藏设备,尤其是销售环节中需要的
Food cold chain - food processing, packaging, transportation, storage, sales, fixed-temperature chain refrigeration chain - has attracted the attention of all parties in the country and mentioned the agenda up. The implementation of food cold chain has three key issues: (a) food processing technology, (b) packaging materials, (b) refrigeration equipment. As the first two issues, due to the pilot production of small package food in various places in recent years, some experience has been gained and the problem is being solved step by step. About refrigeration equipment, especially in the sales process is needed