还记得《星际迷航》里狂拽酷炫要上天的全息甲板(holodeck)吗?很有一种“甲板在手,宇宙我有”的节奏对吧,各种不用出门畅游天下的极致体验,以及极具真实感的战斗场景,简直御宅族福音——可惜那纯属虚构。但是!科技的发展真可谓日新月异,VR(Virtual Reality)技术的逐渐成熟让时空穿梭、组团打怪慢慢成为“现实”。这不,这个夏天,号称“地表最强娱乐设施”的VR主题公园The Void即将开放。从此你不再只是旁观者,你能真实地感受到手中的AK-47、紧追不舍的外星人,甚至坠崖的失控感,一起来看看吧!
Do you still remember that there is a holodeck in Star Trek that is cool to heaven? There is a “deck in hand, the universe I have” rhythm right, do not have to go out to enjoy the ultimate experience of the world, As well as a very realistic battle scenes, almost otaku otaku - unfortunately that is purely fictional. However, the development of science and technology can be described as ever-changing, VR (Virtual Reality) technology gradually mature to shuttle time and space, group Daguai slowly become “reality ”. No, this summer the VR theme park The Void, which is known as the “World’s Most Entertaining Facilities,” is about to open. Since then you are no longer just a bystander, you can truly feel the hands of the AK-47, hot pursuit of aliens, and even the uncontrolled sense of falling cliffs, take a look!