座落在伊里湖边的克里夫兰市是一个美丽而宁静的中等城市,这里有一个不大为中国人所知道的大学—Case大学(全名CaSe WesternReserve University),但是在美国,这也是一所有些名声的大学,而且它的冶金与材料科学系在美国也是名列前茅的。在美国大学里,从事铸造研究的教授是很少的,而在Case的这个系里却有一位年逾六旬但精力充沛的教授—J.F.Wallace,他一个人经常带着十个左右研究生,有念硕士学位的,也有念博士学位的,他主持着这样的一个铸造组。虽然,“教授“是一种终身职业,不公遭到解雇,但每个教授都是富于进取心的,他们不断地培养人材,既出人才,又出成果。在为社会作出贡献的同时,本人的学术地位也就越来
Cleveland, located on the shores of Lake Ile, is a beautiful and quiet medium-sized city with a less-than-Chinese university known as CaSe WesternReserve University, but in the United States this is also A famous university, and its Department of Metallurgy and Materials Science in the United States is also among the best. There are very few professors engaged in foundry research in American universities. In this department of Case, there is a more than sixty but energetic professor -FWWallace, who often takes ten or so graduate students and has Master’s degree, but also read a doctorate, he presided over such a casting group. Although “professor” is a life-long job, unfairness is dismissed, every professor is ambitious and they continually cultivate talent with both talent and achievement. While contributing to the community, my academic status will also be more and more