left ventricular remodeling,建议译为“左室重构”,即左室重新构型。心梗后左室排空障碍,室壁应力增加,左室扩大伴功能障碍。早期左室扩大以梗塞壁膨展(infartexpansion)为主,后期左室扩大以非梗塞节段长度增加(可能伴有肥厚)为主。这是心梗本身及其代偿过程的共同结果。 left ventricular recoustruction,建议译为“左室重建术”。方法是将室壁瘤向左室腔内折叠,边缘置荷包缝线,抽紧缝线使瘤口
Left ventricular remodeling, suggested translated as “left ventricular remodeling”, that is left ventricular remodeling. Left ventricular emptying after myocardial infarction barriers, wall stress, left ventricular enlargement with dysfunction. Early left ventricular enlargement is mainly infartexpansion of the infarct wall and late enlargement of the left ventricle is dominated by non-infarcted segment length (which may be associated with hypertrophy). This is the common result of the heart infarct itself and its compensatory process. Left ventricular recoustruction, suggested translated as “left ventricular reconstruction.” The method is to fold the aneurysm to the left ventricular cavity, the edge of the purse suture, tighten the suture so that the tumor