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  Pesticide Contamination Becomes
  a Conundrum for Soil Protection
  – Exclusive Interview with Liu Liangqi,
  China National Agricultural Research Institute
  International Ecology and Safety Magazine (hereinafter referred to as IESM): Regarding the recent cadmium rice incidents, some people believe that besides the waste emission of industrial and mining enterprises like non-ferrous metal smelting, the overuse of pesticide also contributes to the pollution. Is it true?
  Liu Liangqi (hereinafter referred to as Liu): I have to say it is partially true. The reason why cadmium exists in soil is because of the heavy mental pollution caused by metal smelting. Pesticides do not contain heavy mental. Even when they are overused, they cannot make the soil polluted by heavy mental. So the statement is a bit exaggerated.
  IESM: In what ways is the overuse of pesticides influencing soil environments?
  Liu: The overuse of pesticides does have some negative effects on soil. First of all, pesticide residues can exist in soil for a very long time and thusly contaminate soil. Some of them may invade in underground water and cause water pollution. Moreover, the overuse of pesticides results in soil nutrient imbalance, soil salinization, soil physical properties deteriorate, and soil hardening, etc.
  IESM: It is said that China is the No.1 country of pesticide’s producing, importing, and using in the world. While pesticide has increased the agricultural productivity, has it brought serious pollution problems?   Liu: It pollutes soil probably, but whether it’s serious remains unknown. It depends on the exceeding amount and years of use. At present, we would not say arbitrarily pesticides bring serious pollution problems.
  IESM: It is reported that in China, only 35% of pesticide is utilized efficiently, while the rest 65% is either spilled directly into soil and water, or brought into soil by crop defoliation and rainfall. How to solve this problem? Does reduction of pesticide use impact the effect of pest and disease prevention?
  Liu: The effective resolution of pesticide pollution is to reduce pesticide use. It is theoretically possible that reduction of pesticide use may impact the effect of prevention. However, it is not always the case in practical application. And our topic today is overuse, right? We don’t need to overuse pesticide. The appropriate amount is enough to be effective.
  IESM: What kind of practical dilemma is lying in between the high cost of pesticide and the dependency on it?
  Liu: The so-called practical dilemma is that farmers need to raise production of crops to make up for low income due to low price of agricultural products.
  IESM: Are there any effective strategies to treat pesticide contamination in soil now?
  Liu: Currently, there is not any strategy to treat pesticide contamination in soil that is either very effective or at least mature. We are exploring a way to control pests by using the natural enemy of pests, which is to suppress activity of biont by biont itself. At present, sometimes it works well and no pesticide can compare to this way. The problem is that the application of this method is rather limited.
1972年6月,德国通过了第一个废物处理法案,旨在减少工业和居民用户的废物量和提高废物回收率。随后,该法案又有不同程度的修改,到1996年,法案更加注重保护自然资源、避免浪费和减少有害物质。  Westend社区是德国法兰克福市的一个社区,在这里“环境警察”偶尔会登门造访,抽查居民是否把垃圾放到指定的桶里。如果分拣垃圾不当,把垃圾归错了类,放错了桶,他们会及时指出,严重的还会被罚款。垃圾公司将回收
纵观书画大师朱德福的画作,总能有一种淡定闲适、气韵纯美之感。1959年,主攻山水画兼擅花鸟的朱德福在山东济南出生。多年以来,朱德福潜心研究中国山水画。他立足于传统,刻意求新,力求使思想与自然达到天人合一的境界。其山水画作品将笔墨丹青的美妙细致而恣意地宣泄,能给观摩者带来回味长久的审美快感。  朱德福的作品多次参加国际及中国各省市级美术展览并获奖,比如,1997年,《荒原情》入选“山东民间书画艺术展
非洲最古老的公园——维龙加国家公园——如果在可持续发展的情况下,年产值可达到1.1亿美元,如今却因石油开采遭到潜在性破坏。该地区的石油开采点由刚果(金)政府规划,其中85%属于世界遗址地区。维龙加国家公园的经济价值评估部门发现,石油开采可能会给公园带来污染,造成不稳定因素,甚至使人们丢掉工作。  (来源:wwf.org)
“我将以和平方式调解或解决国际争端或事件作为第67届联合国大会工作重点。此外,实现千年发展目标、改善全球经济治理、努力争取2015年《核不扩散条约》审议大会取得成果、增强联合国维和作用等也将是本届联大工作的重点领域”——这是第67届联大主席、前塞尔维亚外交部长武克·耶雷米奇在67届联合国大会开幕式上发表的讲话。  最年轻的联大主席  第66届联大全体会议以无记名投票方式选举出了第67届联大主席,耶
Reported by Gu Hui Translated by Niu Shuangmei  Helen Elizabeth Clark was born into a farming family in New Zealand on February 26, 1950. Having been a lecturer in political studies at Auckland from 1
加尔各答:牛津书店宣布了一项与世界自然基金在印度境内开展的合作计划旨在筹集资金、提高公众意识,共同保护生活在印度东北部阿萨姆邦的独角犀牛。包括阿萨姆邦捐赠的茶叶和八个城市的捐赠将会被预留。牛津书店会分配这些捐赠,为世界自然基金会在印度展开的独角犀牛保护活动提供资金支持。世界自然基金会印度分部非常重视此次与牛津书店的合作,此次合作会为普及动物保护意识提供更广阔的平台。 (来源:newkerala.c
自然新闻博客报道,随着人类微生物群系项目关注重点的转移,该项目在美国国立卫生研究院已失去地位。在第一阶段,人类微生物群系项目从美国国立卫生研究院得到了1.46亿美元的资金,由国家人类基因组研究所管理。但在接下来为期两年的第二阶段,国家人类基因组研究所管理只得到了150万美元的资金。自然新闻博客评论,人类微生物群系研究将被分散给美国国立卫生研究院内的16个研究机构。  (来源:genomeweb.c
2006年,来自中国社科院科学水生生物武汉研究所的研究员在长江流域大范围搜索白鳍豚的迹象,但一无所获。白鳍豚被称为“长江女神”,是中国最著名的海豚之一。几个月后,该淡水物种被宣告“功能性灭绝”。工业的快速发展不可持续的人类活动已经破坏了它的自然栖息地。这是第一次由人类影响直接造成的海豚灭亡。今天,世界野生动物基金会与武汉的合作方正在努力拯救白鳍豚的表亲——江豚——使它免于灭绝的命运。 (来源: L