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  He walked into the city engrossed[全神贯注的] in his own thoughts. The eyes seemed to travel the kingdom
  of unknown. On his forehead, the curly locks[复数,头发]
  trembled with the cool breeze striking against his face, and a childlike innocence played on his lips. Though he had nothing, he appeared to be the king of his destiny.
  People threw a glance at his face and lo[瞧], they were mesmerized[吸引]! His movement inspired a
  confidence in them. Children flocked[聚集] around him arrested[吸引] in a peculiar charm.
  “Who is he?” they thought, “A princely[高贵] figure! A man indeed, but the master of his fate.”
  Some elderly people halted[使立定] him. “Stranger,” they said, “you seem to be new to this city of ours. Which land are you from, and who are the parents so lucky to have a son like you?” And he smiled the loveliest smile they had ever seen and opened his lips to satisfy their curiosity, “I am not special but one from among you. Think me one of your own children and love me as you love them.”
  “But you are very much unlike us, stranger. Your
  exuberant[活力充沛的] face, your natural grace, and your eyes beaming[眉开眼笑] the joy of your soul stand you apart from all of us, and you say you are one of us, walker of the land of the illumined[点亮]!”
  He laughed a hearty laugh and cast an eye full of compassion[同情] upon[看一看] them and said, “Still I repeat what I have said before that I am none else but one of you. You recognize me not, for you have narrowed your vision with the burden of self-inflicted[造成] limitations. I am the dreamer in you; the dreamer who lets not the world of
  difficulties steal his dreams; who allows not his mind to shrink his dreams to fit them in the confinement[限制] of his lean resources which are lean only when you willingly keep them lean repeating to yourself a thousand times, ‘I am made only for what I have, and more I deserve not.’ I,
  instead, announce to myself time and again that my dreams are big and my resources are limitless, vast enough to
  encompass[包围] all of them. Thus, I wither[枯萎] not like you in the scorching[灼热的] sun of cruel realities.”
  And they heard enraptured[使狂喜] as if somebody was playing on the flute[长笛] a soothing[抚慰的] note into their ears. It lasted for the time fairly long, and when they came out of the trance[恍惚] and looked around, they found there not a single soul but numerous crimson[深红色的]
  rose petals flying around as if announcing, “Be a
  dreamer, for you are what your dreams are.”
  And they said to each-other, “Aye[是], aye, he was none else but the dreamer in us.”
喜欢明媚的夏日。躺在挂在树间的吊床上,有宽大帽沿的草帽半遮着脸蛋,轻轻地摇晃身子。偶尔睁开眼睛,望一望前面与天空浑然一体的蓝色海洋,确保自己不是在做梦。探出一条腿,“调戏”一下脚下白白的沙子,任其从指间溜出。忽而忆起一句广告词:“我喜欢和阳光玩游戏!”何不走进阳光、追逐海浪?抓起草帽,go,go,go!  Cut,cut,cut!快速倒退到出门前30分钟。  马上就要开车去海边了!大家都在忙碌地收
I shouldn’t love you, but I want to  I just can’t turn away  I shouldn’t see you, but I can’t move  I can’t look away    I shouldn’t love you, but I want to  I just can’t turn away  I shouldn’t see yo
Sometimes the day comes   When you try your level best   To achieve something  But you fail.    Sometimes the day comes   When nobody understands you   And you feel that you are isolated   From the wo
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自古以来,人类触碰天空的梦想就从未消失。从巴比伦的通天塔,到巴黎的埃菲尔铁塔,再到今天的摩天大楼,人类的建筑物在不断刷新建筑纪录。预计今年落成的迪拜塔更会达到前所未有的高度(在建的迪拜塔已经超越台101大厦,成为世界第一高楼)。这是一场终点设在蓝天的竞赛,一场终点只能遥望、却不可能到达的比赛。    The desire to build big is nothing new. Big build
Rico最讨厌接到推销保险的电话了……看在他们也是打工的份上,每次总听完内容介绍再说不需要购买,又不想无情地挂掉电话,拖拖拉拉浪费很多时间。不知道同学们是否有过类似经历,总是不知道该如何拒绝他人?实际上,当别人的请求跟自己的利益有所冲突时,我们应该学会用正确的方法说“不”,这既是保护自己的权益,也是尊重自己和他人的时间。拒绝不一定是不合群,说不也可以很给力哦!    Do you have dif
八句英语发泄不满  在日常生活中,人与人之间难免会产生摩擦。有时会因为事情不公或者意见不合而产生不满情绪。憋着一肚子火怎么办?下面我们就来看看如何用英语发泄你的不满吧。    1. Sooner or later, you’llget your conscience smitten.  总有一天,你会受到良心谴责的。  get one’s conscience smitten 受到良心的谴责   
今年的4月24日是复活节哦(基督徒认为,复活节象征着重生与希望,是纪念耶稣基督被钉死在十字架之后第三天复活的日子)。也许我们对复活节不太了解,但可爱的复活节兔子绝对是人见人爱。今年又是兔年,兔子成了银幕上当仁不让的主角!快来看看这只蹦蹦跳跳的摇滚兔!    If you want to see an animal with   musical talent beside Alvin and the
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