散打是中国传统武术派生出来的,但是由于社会的发展以及西方文化和竞技体育的冲击,由于人们生活需要和生活方式的改变,它又与传统武术有很多不同,无论在竞技形式、目的、方法以及技击战略、训练手段、方向上等都产生了技术体系上的裂变。但是就像《孙子兵法》可以借鉴于现代战争一样,传统武术的训练方法和技击思想同样可以借鉴于散打,并指导散打朝着有中国特色的中国武术竞技方向发展。 散打运动是技术、力量、速度和耐力的较量,同时更是心智的抗衡。兵法云:兵者,诡道也。当面对不同的对手时,在瞬息万变的赛场上要有不同的谋划与策略。传统武术的技击同样注重技击的实效和效率。
However, due to the development of society and the impact of Western culture and competitive sports, Sanda is different from the traditional martial arts due to the changing needs of life style and lifestyle. No matter in terms of competitive form, purpose and method As well as the technical strategy, training methods, direction and so on have produced a fission in the technical system. However, just as the Art of War can be borrowed from the modern war, the traditional Wushu training methods and martial art ideas can also be borrowed from Sanda and guide the development of Sanda in the competitive direction of Chinese Wushu with Chinese characteristics. Sanda is a technical, strength, speed and endurance contest, but also more mental balance. Bingfa cloud: soldiers, deception also. When faced with different opponents, in a rapidly changing track have different plans and strategies. Traditional martial arts attack equally pay attention to the actual effect and efficiency of the attack.