The tradition behind Western wedding ceremony 管窥西方的婚礼仪式

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   The wedding tradition of “something old, something new, something borrowed and something blue” has been around for hundreds of years. The tradition of carrying or wearing one of each item is said to bring luck and fortune to the newly married couple. Have you ever stopped to think what the saying really means? What is its origin and what does each item represent?
   The original saying dates back to the Victoria times and states, “something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue and a silver sixpence in your shoe.”
   Something old A bride may wear or carry something old to represent her continued ties to her family and her old life. Many brides wear a piece of family jewelry as their old item. Some brides wear the wedding dress worn by their mother or grandmother. In many cases, something old may also be something borrowed.
   Something new Wearing something new is supposed to represent success and hope in the bride’s new life and in her marriage. If the bride purchases her wedding dress, it may represent her new item, but any item that is new may be used. Something “new” is usually the easiest kind to fill.
   Something borrowed The borrowed item should be something borrowed from a friend that is happily married. It is said that their happiness will be with you and bring lasting happiness to your marriage. Some brides borrow an item of clothing, a piece of jewelry, a handkerchief or perhaps a beaded (饰以珠子的) purse.
   Something blue Wearing something blue dates back to ancient times when a blue wedding dress was worn to represent purity, fidelity and love.
   A silver sixpence Placing a silver sixpence in the bride’s left shoe is said to be a symbol of wealth. This not only refers to financial wealth, but also a wealth of happiness and joy throughout her married life. Since most brides probably don’t even know what a sixpence is, this part of the tradition is not used very often in modern times. However, if a bride would like to include it in her wedding, she can purchase a silver sixpence from many companies that sell bridal supplies such as garters (袜带) and invitations.
  Reading check
  1.Why does the first paragraph end with two questions?
   A.To invite readers to answer them at once.
   B.To show the importance of this tradition.
   C.To have readers’ interest and attention.
   D.To test readers’ knowledge about wedding.   2.What can we learn about the five items mentioned in the text?
   A.Something old might also be something borrowed actually.
   B.The part of the tradition “a silver sixpence” is never used now.
   C.The borrowed item can be something borrowed from any friend.
   D.Something new is usually the most difficult and expensive kind to fill.
  3.What can be inferred about the the tradition of western wedding?
   A.No brides now are not familiar with the silver sixpence.
   B.Every item represents something good for the new couple.
   C.The bride will be luckier and more beautiful with all these five items.
   D.Of the five items,something blue is the most important one.
  4.Which word can replace the underlined word “fidelity” in the sixth paragraph?
牛仔的历史,可以追溯到19世纪的美国西进运动。自由奔放的游牧人,成为了刚毅神勇、狂放不羁的牛仔代言人,而代表着自由主义和英雄主义的牛仔文化,也风靡至今。大概每个男人心中都有一个英雄梦,中国的牛仔们,虽不能在广袤的草原策马扬鞭、纵横驰骋,却用中国人特有的严谨细致,向牛仔文化致敬。  店名:牛仔厨房  地址:杭州庆春路199号JASONWOOD旗舰店  电话:18668159722  如果要用一样东西
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将金属绘上美丽的色彩当做书签,郑小姐希望这样的小物能在人们读书的时候,增添一份美好的心情。  手艺:金工彩绘、钩针编织  城市:广州  宣言:追求简单的生活,用双手去发现美好,与大家一同分享  每遇到新认识的朋友,开口问“怎么称呼”时,她总是俏皮地说道:“我姓郑,你可以叫我‘郑小姐’。”时间一长,周围的朋友都开始用“郑小姐”称呼她,索性她就把自己的手工品牌定为“郑小姐的店”。“其实我的真名叫郑慧文
攒盘又称拼盘,是一种盛放食物的器具,最早见于明万历年间,至清康熙时较为流行。一组拼盘的数量不等,少者五个,多者达二十多个,按件数的不同,又称为“五子”、“七巧”、“八仙”、“九子”、“十成”,可组成六方、八方形、葵花形、莲花形、扇形等式样。康熙时期的攒盘以五彩、三彩为多。  这件攒盘由内外两层共十二件小盘组成葵花形式,小盘为折沿、浅腹、圈足。盘内绘五彩花卉与蝴蝶纹,沿面红彩“卍”字锦地描金团“寿”
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过了今年,郑益坤就80岁了。然而,一天中的大部分时间他仍然待在家里由阳台改建的漆画工作室里,不知疲倦地画着。家里人都劝他好好歇着,他不肯,“画了一辈子漆画,不是想放就放得下的。”  进工作室之前,郑老反复询问:“对大漆过不过敏?别进去后出来变猪头。”在得知没问题后,他才放心地点点头。工作室很狭窄,空气里满是大漆特有的酸味,一张大工作台上摆着好几十块书本大小的金鱼漆板,上面的金鱼各具姿态、栩栩如生。
在De Bijenkorf百货公司阿姆斯特丹分店的屋顶,i29设计工作室以“爱丽丝梦游仙境”为灵感,打造了一个梦幻而独特的艺术体验之家。房间内自上而下地交错分布着沙发床、桌椅、洗漱盆和大小不一的储物柜组,由纤细的黑色旋转楼梯串连起上下两层空间,给人一种所有东西都“长”在墙上的错觉。设计师还专门在这里安置了一台天文望远镜,帮助艺术家从眺望远方的过程中获得创作灵感。