今年元月号,是天津《科学学与科学技术管理》杂志百期纪念。时逢佳期,可敬可贺!这不仅因为她是我国科学学界的第一本专业杂志,更为可贵的,她随改革开放而生,并且是在改革开放的风雨中茁壮成长起来的。从一定意义上讲,这一百期科学学杂志,乃是反映我国科学学十年发展的光辉史册。古语说,史可以为镜鉴。那么,百期科学学期刊所代表的科学学十年史,给人以哪些有益启示呢?作为一个普通的科学学耕耘者,我觉得,经验集中到一点,就是我们科学学界的同志们,大都能比较自觉地以马克思主义作为自己从事科学学研究的指导思想。若对这个判断有什么怀疑么?有天津科学学期刊百期为证! 研究表明,科学学在本世纪二十年代诞生,本身就是马克思主义与自然科学相结合的产物。科学学的创始人J.D.贝尔纳在谈到他的《科学学的社会功能》一书时(世所公
The January issue of this year is the 100th anniversary of the magazine Science in Science and Technology Management in Tianjin. It is not only because she is the first professional magazine in China's scientific community, but also valuable. She was born with the reform and opening up and thrived in the storm of reform and opening up. In a certain sense, this one hundred science journals is a glorious annals of history that reflects the development of science in our country for ten years. As the old saying goes, history can be a mirror. So what are the beneficial revelations of the ten-year history of science represented by the 100-day science journals? As an ordinary scientist of science, I feel that one thing our experience has focused on is that our comrades in the scientific community, More consciously take Marxism as their guiding ideology in scientific research. If you have any doubts about this judgment? There is a hundred science books in Tianjin as evidence! Studies show that science was born in the 1920s, itself is a product of the combination of Marxism and the natural sciences. When J.D. Bernard, the founder of science, talked about his book Social Functions of Science,