胶带排土这种具有很高输送能力的连续运输技术,特别适用于长距离和大坡度运输。它还能够提高排土场的堆置高度,从而减少 排土场的占地。它可以获得较高的作业效率和降低作业成本,节省燃油消耗。因此,在露天采矿业向大型化和深凹开采发展的今天,胶带排土是能保证大规模开采、实现高效率和改善露天开采技术经济指标的一项新工艺。无论在国外或在我国,在新建矿山或在扩建、技术改造工程中,胶带排土的技术
Tape Drain This continuous transport technology with high conveying capacity, especially suitable for long distance and large gradient transportation. It can also increase the height of the dump site and thus reduce the footprint of the dump site. It can achieve higher operating efficiency and lower operating costs, saving fuel consumption. Therefore, in the opencast mining industry to the development of large-scale and deep concave today, tape drainage is to ensure large-scale mining, to achieve high efficiency and improve technical indicators of open-pit mining technology is a new technology. Whether in foreign countries or in our country, in the new mines or in the expansion, technological transformation projects, the technology of tape dug