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  “And I promise, I will do everything in my power to get you to college and to a better life.”
  —From the movie Coach Carter
  “I’ve only had two kids in 39 years that have not gone to college. And we’re extremely proud of that because we think that we’ve opened up doors in kids’ lives that they didn’t know that they could do.”
  —Bob Hurley
  High school basketball is one of the most popular sports in the country and those who follow it on the national level, particularly college 1)scouts and coaches, are familiar with St. Anthony of Jersey City, New Jersey, and its coach, Bob Hurley. Going into this season, St. Anthony had won 23 state championships and three national titles under Hurley, who is one of only three high school coaches ever inducted into the Basketball Hall of Fame. In nearly 40 years at St. Anthony, Hurley has never earned more than a $9,000 annual 2)stipend, passing up 3)lucrative college jobs to change lives in the inner city and to help save a small struggling Catholic school by putting it on a very big stage.
  But this is not a story about a 4)tyrannical coach who 5)churns out athletes at some high school sports factory, it’s about values, loyalty, and commitment at a small inner city 6)parochial school that doesn’t meet anyone’s idea of what a basketball powerhouse should look like.
  St. Anthony is in an old brick building with no gym, in a rundown neighborhood not far from the Jersey side of the Hudson River facing New York. There are only 240 students, most of them from families living below the poverty level, who somehow manage to scrape together the $5,000 tuition. They are not here to have fun, they’re here to get better and to learn how to win from one of the masters.
  Host: This is your program. There’s no mistake about that?
  Bob Hurley: Yeah, I think my fingerprint is on everything that we do. I’ve had five NBA first round picks. I’ve had about 150 kids by 7)Division I basketball. I think everybody can be better than they think they can be. And I don’t let them dictate, I dictate everything.
  Host: You’re very tough and very demanding on these kids.
  Hurley: But I’m dealing with adolescent males. And in order to get them to perform on a regular basis, this group of people, I have to drive them. It is no question I have to drive them. We would never be as good. Even the best teams I’ve had, there has to be times when you know you have to really push the pedal.
  Host: You make the kids sign a contract?
  Hurley: Yes.
  Host: When they come here?
  Hurley: Don’t know that it’s legally binding, but you know, when I have to 8)mete out justice, as far as I’m concerned, it’s a legal document. Yeah, it’s up to 19 things now.
  Host: What are some of them?
  Hurley: Alcohol, cigarettes, 9)narcotics is one; some of them are haircuts, short haircut. No tattoos. Jewelry has to be basic. You know, a ring, a watch…
  Host: You have drug tests?
  Hurley: I’ve drug tested entire teams.
  Host: Do you have rebels and get people rebel against this?
  Hurley: Oh, yeah. I think that’s why there are 10)hinges on doors. You know, this is not meant for everybody.
  It’s meant for bright, talented kids who are committed to earning a college basketball scholarship and competing at the next level.
  Host: So of all your accomplishments, what are you proudest of?
  Hurley: I’ve only had two kids in 39 years that have not gone to college. And we’re extremely proud of that because we think that we’ve opened up doors in kids’ lives that they didn’t know that they could do. Their families certainly didn’t know they could do it. And it’s as with…because of education, it changes the direction of their life.
  He could have left St. Anthony for the big time long ago. There have been any number of opportunities to coach at the college level. But he’s never been that interested in money or glamor and each time decided to stay put in Jersey City.
  Host: There are a lot of inducements for people to move on. There’s money. There’s the challenge of proving yourself at the next level. You weren’t interested in either of those things?
  Hurley: No. I always felt that, you know, the challenge here was pretty strong.
  11)Sister Felicia and the entire school were at Rutgers for the national championship game a few weeks ago, and it did not begin well for St. Anthony. But after 12)trailing most of the game, St. Anthony’s superior conditioning, 13)poise and coaching, finally turned the tide. They outscored St. Patrick 23 to 5 in the final quarter and won in a 14)rout. They closed out the season with their 24th state championship and 4th national title. It was the perfect ending for the season and for our story. The players’ dreams had been realized, and the lessons well learned.
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