我国拥有丰富的水域资源和海 洋渔业资源,这为我国的渔业发展 提供了重要的基础条件。改革开放 以来,我国的水产业取得了举世瞩 目的成就,水产品出口创汇额在农 业内部一直排在第一位。但随着我 国经济的快速发展,水域生态环境 污染和破坏却日趋严重,渔业水域 生态环境恶化已成为新时期我国渔 业可持续发展的一大制约因素。如 何走近海渔业的可持续发展之路, 还存在众多不可忽视的问题。
China has abundant water resources and marine fishery resources, which provide an important foundation for the development of fisheries in our country. Since the reform and opening up, China’s aquaculture industry has made remarkable achievements in the world. The amount of foreign exchange earmarked for export of aquatic products has always been the highest in agriculture. However, with the rapid economic development in our country, the pollution and destruction of ecological environment in the water area have become increasingly serious. The deterioration of ecological environment in fishery waters has become a major constraint on the sustainable development of Chinese fisheries in the new era. How to get close to the sustainable development of fisheries, there are still many problems that can not be ignored.