本刊讯(特约通讯员陈世平)12月14日,寿宁县第八届富锌生态脐橙采摘节在芹洋乡溪源村召开,举办方开展了寻找最大脐橙比赛等活动,许多游客热情参与,一位游客采摘的脐橙单果重达750 g,获得“脐橙王”桂冠。据悉,自从举办脐橙采摘节以来,寿宁县脐橙知名度越来越高,脐橙产业越做越强,产业实现增效,果农实现增收。近几年来,该县芹洋乡充分利用得天独厚的富锌土壤条件,引种纽荷尔脐橙,进行连
Our correspondent (Chen Shibing special correspondent) December 14, Shouning County, the eighth harvest of zinc-rich navel orange Festival Qiyuan Village in Qiyang held held by the parties to carry out activities such as the search for the largest navel orange, many tourists enthusiastic participation, a Visitors picked the navel orange fruit weighing 750 g, get “navel orange” crown. It is reported that since the navel orange picking festival has been held, Shouning navel orange growing higher and higher, navel orange industry to do more and stronger, industry to achieve efficiency, fruit growers to achieve income. In recent years, the county Qin Yang full use of the rich zinc-rich soil conditions, the introduction of Newhall navel, with even