1.前言 随着电力、通讯等事业的发展,各种电缆的数量大增。它们出现故障的情况也就增多。要在相当长的线路(可能几公里到十几公里)找到故障点位置是一件不容易的事情。电能传输中断或通讯中断都将带来巨大的经济损失,因而必须快速找到故障点并排除之。本仪器采用测量故障点反射波到达的时间,自动计算故障点距离的方法对故障点定位。
1. Introduction With the development of power, communications and other businesses, the number of various cables has greatly increased. They also increase the number of failures. Finding the location of the point of failure on a fairly long route (maybe a few kilometers to a dozen kilometers) is not easy. Power transmission interruption or communication interruption will bring huge economic losses, so you must quickly find the point of failure and excluded. The instrument used to measure the point of arrival of fault reflection time, automatically calculate the distance between the fault point method to locate the fault point.