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  This 1)uninhabitable landscape has forced the population down into the coastal areas…and by doing so, created a futuristic 2)phenomenon. Tokyo, the capital, 35 million people live and work here. It’s the largest 3)metropolitan area in the world. Getting this vast sea of 4)commuters to and from work requires a vast and efficient transport network. Fifty thousand taxis, a subway system that moves eight million people a day. The 5)Shinkansen bullet trains run so precisely that over a year their timetable 6)slips by just 36 seconds. But the most surprising commuter route is by air. The domestic flight from Saporo to Tokyo is the busiest air route in the world, carrying almost 10 million commuters a year. Organizing so many passengers requires futuristic thinking. Instead of old-fashioned tickets, why not use your cell phone?
  Masters of new technology, the Japanese also share a deep connection with the natural world. But the country’s beauty is 7)deceptive. Japan runs along the Pacific “Ring of Fire.” This dangerous intersection of five 8)tectonic plates triggers more than a thousand earthquakes a year. There are 186 volcanoes, a third of them still active today, including the 9)mightiest of them all, Mount Fuji, the gateway between Earth and Heaven.
  Up in the mountains spring has turned to summer. It’s the season of maturity and growing up, when Japan’s vulnerable nature bursts spectacularly into life.
  Summer is also the season of festivals. To the Japanese, festivals are a link between humans and the gods. Many have their origins in the native religion, 10)Shinto, and mark stages in the rice-growing cycle. Summer festivals were created to snap people out of a 11)lethargy brought on by the heat of the summer and to prepare them for the hard work of the harvest. At the Kanto Festival in Akita, every lantern, balanced 20 feet high, represents a grain of rice. It’s just one of hundreds of colourful 12)processions thanking the gods for their 13)generosity.
“春蚕吐丝,流水行地,以形写神,皆出自然”,中国古代绘画史上当此巨赞者,唯有东晋顾恺之的绢画《女史箴图》。此画是顾恺之根据西晋张华《女史箴》一诗所作,“女史”指宫廷妇女,“箴”则为规劝之意;此画唐摹本原收藏在圆明园,1860年“火烧圆明园”后被掠夺并流失海外,现收藏于大英博物馆。  一卷旷世名作,带出多少朝代兴衰史……    This programme is about a masterpiec
1. 我想我不行。  × I think I can’t.  √ I don’t think I can.  Note: 这一是个习惯用法,在语法上称为否定前置。就是汉语里面说“我想我不会”的时候,英语里面总是说“我不认为我会”。以后在说类似的英语句子的时候,可要多加注意哦。    2. 这个价格对我挺合适的。  × The price is very suitable for me.  √ Th
Cities and Memory 3  In vain, great-hearted Kublai, shall I attempt to describe Zaira, city of high 1)bastions. I could tell you how many steps make up the streets rising like stairways, and the degre
语音:美式发音 适合泛听  语速:175词/分钟  关键词:bicycle, airbag, helmet    Bicyclists who don’t want to 1)muss up their hair with a 2)helmet or simply dislike the 3)bulky 4)headgear may soon have another option for saf
凯瑟琳·奥弗林出生于1970年,在英国伯明翰长大,在家里六个小孩中排行小幺,父母以经营糖果店为生。凯瑟琳曾经当过记者、网站编辑、邮递员,还在多个购物中心打过工。凯瑟琳并没有从小立志要成为一名作家,她只是把自己的真实情感付诸笔下,以自己成长的经历以及在唱片公司打工的际遇为线索,写下了其首部小说《那些逝去的》(What Was Lost, 2007)。该小说以一个生活在上世纪80年代中期的失踪小女孩的
它是人人都想吃一口的“The Big Apple”,也是五光十色的“The City That Never Sleeps”;这里摩天大楼鳞次栉比,还有24小时运营的地铁和从不间断的人群。各方造梦人带着“If you can made it here you can make it anywhere”的冲劲,融入到了这个永不落幕的真人秀当中。    No matter when you visit
Many people wonder where my secret lies.  I’m not cute or built to suit a fashion model’s size.  When I start to tell them,  They think I’m telling lies.  I say,  It’s in the reach of my arms,  The sp
最难能可贵的,不是获得他送你的华衣美钻,而是拥有片片毕生难忘的美好回忆。    Audrey: Let’s start at the beginning. How’d you meet dad, “Smokey Joe”? That was his nickname.  Florence: How did I meet dad?   What I recall is that someone sa
置之死地而后生、知彼知己,百战不殆……这些成语我们耳熟能详,但知道它们来自《孙子兵法》的人不多,知道它们在中外大大小小的战役中屡试不爽的人似乎更少。我们来看看二战中举世闻名的诺曼底登陆与《孙子兵法》有什么重大关系。    It’s about 500 BC in ancient China. Sun Tzu’s adversary, the Chu Prime Minister Nang Wa,
世间万物,有什么能使“高兴的人看了悲伤,悲伤的人见了高兴”的呢?    One day King Solomon decided to humble Benaiah Ben Yehoyada, his most trusted minister. He said to him, “Benaiah, there is a certain ring that I want you to bring t