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  语音:美式发音 适合泛听
  关键词:bicycle, airbag, helmet
  Bicyclists who don’t want to 1)muss up their hair with a 2)helmet or simply dislike the 3)bulky 4)headgear may soon have another option for safety as they5)pedal around town.
  Meet the “biker’s airbag.”
  Developers in Sweden have come up with this device, which they are calling, “the Invisible Helmet.”
  The founder of the company says a 6)sensor inside activates the airbag whenever it detects unusual or 7)harsh movement. The 8)discreet and stylish device looks more like a scarf or a collar that the biker would simply snap on and activate. The makers say it’s actually safer than a regular bike helmet, and they insist it’s been perfected so that it won’t go off whenever the bike hits a 9)bump.
  Still, not everyone is sold on the idea. This woman says she won’t wear one until she sees others riding around with it on.
  The airbags are still in developmental stages, but the company is already dedicating a number of workers to produce them. The makers are hoping to have them on the market by next year, and promise they’ll be sold at a price the average cyclist can afford.
  axle 轴brake 刹
  cables 控制线chain cover 链盖
  chain 链条 derailleur 变速器
  disc-brake 碟刹 fork 前叉
  frame 车架 handle bar 横把
  mud guard 挡泥板pedal 脚踏板
  rim 车圈 saddle 鞍座
  shift leverset 变速把 spokes 辐条
  suspension 避震kickstand 停车支架
  BMX (bicycle motocross) 小轮车越野
  bike trial 攀爬车
  cruiser 旅游沙滩车
  DH (down hill) 速降车
  FS (full suspension) 全减震越野车
  XC (cross country) 越野车(通常为越野车)
  electric bicycle 电动自行车
  MTB (mountain bicycle) 山地车
  racing bicycle 赛车
  tandem bicycle 双人自行车
  bicycle/bike to the office 骑车上班
  come by bicycle 骑车来
  pedal to school 骑车上学
  ride a bicycle/bike 骑自行
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1. 我想我不行。  × I think I can’t.  √ I don’t think I can.  Note: 这一是个习惯用法,在语法上称为否定前置。就是汉语里面说“我想我不会”的时候,英语里面总是说“我不认为我会”。以后在说类似的英语句子的时候,可要多加注意哦。    2. 这个价格对我挺合适的。  × The price is very suitable for me.  √ Th
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