一种新发生的害虫——二点委夜蛾[Proxenus lepigone(Moschler),异名Athetis lepigone]2011年在黄淮海夏玉米主产区暴发,呈现出分布范围广、发生面积大、虫量密度高、田块间差异大,幼虫发育不整齐、为害时间长等特点。总结造成二点委夜蛾暴发的原因,即虫源基数的积累是大发生的先决条件,小麦-玉米连作和小麦秸秆还田等栽培耕作制度营造了害虫的适生环境,黄淮海大部小麦收获期推迟,使得玉米苗期与二点委夜蛾幼虫为害期吻合度高,6月下旬和7月上旬降水较多,田间湿度大有利于该害虫的发生为害;提出了将二点委夜蛾列入重点监测对象开展常规测报,提高植保技术人员对新发害虫规律的认识,投入科研力量加强基础研究等建议。
A new pest - Proxenus lepigone (Moschler), athetis lepigone, developed in 2011 in the main summer maize producing area of the Huang-Huai-Hai region, showing a wide distribution, large area of occurrence, insect density High, large differences between plots, larvae are not well-developed, harmful to the characteristics of a long time. Summarize the reasons for the outbreak of Noctuid. At the same time, the accumulation of insect base was the prerequisite for big occurrence. The cultivation system of wheat-corn continuous cropping and wheat straw returning to the field created a suitable habitat for pests. Postponed the harvest period, making maize seedling stage larvae of the second part of Spodoptera frugiperda high degree of coincidence, late June and early July more precipitation, field humidity is conducive to the occurrence of pests; Moths included in the main monitoring object to carry out regular surveying and mapping, to improve plant protection technicians on the new law of pests, put scientific research efforts to strengthen basic research and other recommendations.