维修之难 “当心!数码相机买得起,修不起!” 2002年初,于先生花了9000多元购买了奥林巴斯E-10数码相机。2003年4月23日,正当他和朋友一起拍照时,液晶屏突然漆黑一片,当时,他以为是没电了,但更换了新电池以后,情况依然如故。由于所在的城市没有奥林巴斯的维修中心,4月26日,于先生将相机寄给了奥林巴斯北京维修中心。随后接到了通知:相机的镜
Difficulties in maintenance “Beware! Digital cameras can afford it and can’t afford it!” In early 2002, Mr. Yu spent more than 9000 yuan to purchase the Olympus E-10 digital camera. On April 23, 2003, while he was photographing with his friend, the LCD screen was suddenly dark. At that time, he thought it was dead, but after replacing the new battery, the situation remained the same. Since there was no Olympus service center in the city, on April 26, Mr. Yu sent the camera to the Olympus Beijing service center. Then received a notice: the mirror of the camera