肺心病并发心力衰竭是临床上常见的危重症,对一般的治疗方法疗效不甚满意,我们对20例慢性肺心病并发心力衰竭的患者,在综合治疗的基础上,采用小剂量肝素超声雾化吸入冶疗,收到满意的效果.现报告如下: 1 一般资料 男12例,女8例,年龄均在50岁以上。所有患者均为呼衰合并中、重症心衰,合并肺性脑病2例。 2 用药方法 肝素30~50mg加生理盐水30ml行超声雾化吸入,每日2次,每次10~15分钟。10~14天为一疗程。如重复应用,则间隔3~7天。 3 实验室监测 治疗前后查血常规、血小板、出血时间,凝血时间(试管法),如血小板低于6万/mm~3,凝血时间比正常值延长3倍以上,则不宜采用。
Pulmonary heart disease complicated with heart failure is a common clinical critically ill, the general treatment of the effect is not satisfied with our 20 cases of chronic pulmonary heart disease patients with heart failure, on the basis of comprehensive treatment, the use of low-dose heparin ultrasonic atomization Inhalation treatment, received satisfactory results .Reports are as follows: 1 General information of 12 males and 8 females, aged over 50 years of age. All patients were Huairu combined with severe heart failure, pulmonary encephalopathy in 2 cases. 2 medication Heparin 30 ~ 50mg plus saline 30ml line ultrasonic inhalation, 2 times a day, each 10 to 15 minutes. 10 to 14 days for a course of treatment. If repeated application, then interval 3 ~ 7 days. 3 laboratory monitoring before and after treatment to check blood, platelets, bleeding time, clotting time (test tube method), such as platelet less than 60,000 / mm ~ 3, clotting time longer than normal 3 times, it is not appropriate.