柯老以他那博学高见,富有诗意的文笔,写出这本真实的卫天霖传记文学作品,在国内大约还是首次。印数不多,全部送人。现在修订行将重印,更见精彩,另附有名家绘画,增加了书的艺术性,自然会受到读者欢迎的。 卫公天霖先生字雨三(1898——1973)山西汾阳人。天资聪明,颖脱不群。1920年以榜首考取公费留学生。1921年东渡日本进了川端美术专科学校。适逢留学生抗议不平等条约,举行示威游行,天霖愤然参加行列,和日本警
Ke Lao with his erudite, poetic writing, write this true Wei Tianlin biography literature, about the first time in China. Print a few, all give up. Now the revision of the line will be reprinted, even more wonderful. In addition, famous paintings are added to enhance the artistic nature of the book and it will naturally be welcomed by readers. Wei Gong Tian-lin word rain three (1898--1973) Shanxi Fenyang people. Talented, Ying off. In 1920 to take the top public examinations. 1922 Dongdu Japan into the Kawabata Fine Arts College. Coincides with foreign students protest unequal treaties, held demonstrations, Tian Lin angrily participated in the ranks, and the Japanese police