6月26日,一大巴车在湖南宜章县境内突然着火,导致35人死亡,13人受伤,后果极为惨重。事发车辆是按老国家标准生产的单门客车,但根据GB7258—2012《机动车运行安全技术条件》,车长大于9 m的公路客车、旅游客车,应至少设置2个乘客门。尴尬的是,尽管该车不符合新国标的要求,但由于未达到报废标准,仍可以在路上跑,由此埋下了安全风险。那应如何预防类似事故,是基于标准
On June 26, a bus suddenly caught fire in Yizhang County, Hunan Province, killing 35 people and injuring 13 others. The consequences were extremely heavy. Incident vehicles are single-door buses manufactured according to the old national standards. However, according to GB7258-2012 “Technical Conditions for Safety Operation of Motor Vehicles”, passenger and tourist buses with a length of more than 9 m should be provided with at least 2 passenger doors. Embarrassment is that although the car does not meet the requirements of the new national standard, but failed to meet the scrap standards, can still run on the road, thus laying the security risk. That should be how to prevent similar accidents, is based on the standard