Optimizing the lattice design of a diffraction-limited storage ring with a rational combination of p

来源 :Chinese Physics C | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gonewind
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In the lattice design of a diffraction-limited storage ring(DLSR) consisting of compact multi-bend achromats(MBAs), it is challenging to simultaneously achieve an ultralow emittance and a satisfactory nonlinear performance, due to extremely large nonlinearities and limited tuning ranges of the element parameters. Nevertheless, in this paper we show that the potential of a DLSR design can be explored with a successive and iterative implementation of the multi-objective particle swarm optimization(MOPSO) and multi-objective genetic algorithm(MOGA). For the High Energy Photon Source, a planned kilometer-scale DLSR, optimizations indicate that it is feasible to attain a natural emittance of about 50 pm·rad, and simultaneously realize a sufficient ring acceptance for on-axis longitudinal injection, by using a hybrid MBA lattice. In particular, this study demonstrates that a rational combination of the MOPSO and MOGA is more effective than either of them alone, in approaching the true global optima of an explorative multi-objective problem with many optimizing variables and local optima. In the lattice design of a diffraction-limited storage ring (DLSR) consisting of compact multi-bend achromats (MBAs), it is challenging to achieve achieve ultralow emittance and a satisfactory nonlinear performance, due to extremely large nonlinearities and limited tuning ranges of The element parameters. Nevertheless, in this paper we show that the potential of a DLSR design can be explored with a successive and iterative implementation of the multi-objective particle swarm optimization (MOPSO) and multi-objective genetic algorithm (MOGA). For the High Energy Photon Source, a planned kilometer-scale DLSR, optimizations indicate that it is feasible to attain a natural emittance of about 50 pm · rad, and simultaneously realize a sufficient ring acceptance for on-axis longitudinal injection, by using a hybrid MBA lattice . In particular, this study demonstrates that a rational combination of the MOPSO and MOGA is more effective than either of them alone, in approaching the true globa l optima of an explorative multi-objective problem with many optimizing variables and local optima.
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